Recycling Plastics a Detailed Guide

Recycling Plastics -The MAD Junk Man Merrimack NH

Learn more about the latest trends in recycling plastics that make it a much more sustainable practice. Start making an impact today with our expert insights! What happens to your plastic after you toss it in the recycling bin? Is it truly being recycled, or does it end up in a landfill somewhere far away? […]

Creative Household Junk Removal Up-cycling Ideas

Creative Use of Household Junk - The MAD Junk Man Merrimack NH 03054

Explore top up-cycling ideas for your household junk removal items. Turn everyday items into unique creations. Get inspired and reduce waste. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, each American throws away almost five pounds of garbage daily. While waste is unavoidable, there are more sustainable ways to dispose of it than simply chucking it […]

The Environmental Impact of Improper E-Waste Disposal

Damaged LCD screens of mobile phones are collected as electronic waste waiting for valuable metals inside LCD screens - The MAD Junk Man Merrimack NH 03054

Discover the environmental impact of improper electronic waste disposal. Learn how it affects ecosystems and what actions you can take. Read more now! E-waste, or electronic waste, is a rapidly growing problem worldwide, with around 50 million tons generated each year, which includes discarded electronics like phones, computers, and TVs. Unfortunately, much of this waste ends […]

Importance of Recycling in Junk Removal

Recycle containers for different waste - The MAD Junk Man Merrimack NH 03054

Learn why recycling is crucial in junk removal. Discover the benefits and make a positive impact today. Each week, you fill your recycling bin with the materials you’ve been told belong there. You do your part by separating things like glass, cardboard, paper, and aluminum from your trash.  What you don’t realize is that a […]

Why Proper Junk Removal & Waste Disposal Is Important

Junk removal and waste management for the environment - The Mad Junk Man Merrimack NH

Discover the importance of proper junk removal and waste disposal in maintaining a clean environment for all. With over 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste generated annually worldwide, it’s shocking to find that a third of it isn’t managed safely. Have you ever stopped to consider where your junk ultimately ends up? The clutter that […]

Why Hire a Professional to Remove Your Stuff/Junk

Clean Out the Clutter - The MAD Junk Man Merrimack NH

Learn the importance of hiring a professional for junk removal and waste disposal. Each day in the United States, an average of 4.9 pounds of trash is generated per person, marking the highest waste per capita globally. Yet, not all trash is created equal, and certainly not all of it should find its way to […]